Well, my adventures through scanning and (mainly) editing and postprocessing are going slowly, but still going.
As (I think) I said somewhere, I came out quite surprised not to have too many hideous effects coming from the natural distortion one can expect from such a wide angle. Specially in shots where the main subject was not too close up and more or less centered, the general effect was just that of being quite far away :)
When placing something in the corners though, it goes simply wild. That said, while it has a 'hardcore' effect on for example, faces, it comes quite passable in case of not that common objects for us, as we're not so used to their proportions..
First shot is from our second (and last!) day in Porto, on a walk along the beach area where this toy windmill seller was placed.
And this one above is from the famous Castelo, which has a superb view over the whole city of Lisbon.
PS: Btw, something I almost forgot to mention ! I remember reading people commenting it, and I'm just confirming, I love how this lens renders the sky tonalities even on a clear sunny day, and in black and white that's something one comes to REALLY appreciate...
Categorized: _blackandwhite | _portugal
Again a 15mm shot. The lens proved to be really helpful on my visit to Lisbon's Oceanario. Children down there, on a school visit, were having a great fun time each time a shark passed near them, applauding, yelling and jumping so much for their professor's desperation ;) Our favorite though, was the huge marathonian-sprinter Tuna fish, lol.
Categorized: _blackandwhite | _portugal
Ok ok, I know that if there's something like a romanticism god out there I'll be crushed for this, but to be honest, I saw the scene and couldn't stand from laughing out loud (internally, of course). The Bessa-T ca-chlank! sound took care of making them aware of my presence, but the image was already taken :)
This is the first shot I process from my first two rolls of Tri-X through the CV 15/4.5. A really wild lens which I think I can come to love.
Categorized: _blackandwhite | _portugal
For sure I must admit two things:
One, I fell in love with Rome, and I'll try to go back as soon as I can, and
two, I'll bring the Iskra again :)
I'm slowly going through the negs (damned real life, always getting in the middle, argh! :P), and can't cease to be amazed at how well that beast behaves. Those have to be one of the best $40 I ever invested.
You can keep up to date with what comes out HERE
Ciao !
Categorized: _color | _rome