Single Coated

Devoted to my photography and my always constant interest for retro cameras/lenses/techniques

Chill and Mushrooms

The brutal wind chill didn't really allow me to think a lot on which words to use to ornament the series of images I took there. Nor did the light leak on the Koni Omega (and later its frozen shutter) leave me with plenty of useable ones.

So I'll post this one (rescued after some photoshop help) and as I did that day, run for a suitable shelter, picking up the mushrooms I'll find in the process of course. Because that's why I was there in first place.

El brutal viento helado no me dejó pensar en muchas frases con que ornamentar las imágenes que tomé allí. Tampoco la fuga de luz en la Koni Omega (ni más tarde su obturador congelado) me dejaron con muchas fotos que usar.

Así que subiré esta (rescatada con un poco de ayuda del photoshop) y tal como hice en su momento, correré a buscar algo que me sirva de refugio, sin dejar de recoger las setas que encuentre por el camino, claro. Porque en el fondo, a eso es a lo que había ido allí.

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1 Responses to “Chill and Mushrooms”

  1. # Blogger Unknown

    My Koni has had some light lieaks just like this one. Did you ever track it down? if so could you drop me an email? jmxphoto[at]  

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