Single Coated

Devoted to my photography and my always constant interest for retro cameras/lenses/techniques

PBase vs. Flickr, Flickr vs. PBase...

As long term user of PBase, I've always been happy with their services, but at the same time always had the strange feeling that I was waiting for ... something.

Don't know, maybe a more flexible interface, or spam management, but over all, I think it was something small yet very powerful.

What I was waiting for was plain and simply, tags, or more specifically, a simple and straightforward tag/category management. Something I was even missing in this same previous version of blogger before this new reincarnation.

And then, here it comes the new animal in town. Not so new, I know. I've had an account with flickr for several months now but only a while ago I decided to explore it fully. Their 'plain white face' looked at first too... raw ?

Time went by, I became more used to it, and discovered finally how powerful the whole tag/category and mainly the contacts/comments mechanisms are. In some way the tags/comments/contacts/groups structure makes it an utopia of photographic communication.

And this leaves me thinking what to do next, keeping both PBase and flickr, stay with the former, or maybe take the plunge and move to a pro account on the later ?

I sure know that I find quite annoying to start replicating photo gallery and storage sites, so this is probably going to be one of those Thunder Dome episodes, you know, two enter...

Oh, and this thing above is a clue that my Koni Omega needs new light seals at some place...

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3 Responses to “PBase vs. Flickr, Flickr vs. PBase...”

  1. # Blogger taffer

    Nota mental: GanĂ³ PBase, y me alegro :)  

  2. # Blogger Ozyman

    and what did you decide...and why exactly?  

  3. # Blogger taffer

    Hi Viajero, and thanks for stopping by here on your viaje.

    Well, I ended deciding to keep my main attention on PBase, at least for a while. Of course there were reasons... first, I noticed a very good and already existing google rank of my pbase photos.

    Second, I quite like the fexibility (even if at first sight it looks not that flexible) of the simple yet effective PBase CSS stylesheets.

    Eventually, and after browsing some user galleries, I relized that with some effort one can tweak those stylesheets almost ad-infinitum, and adapt them to any idiosincrasies on a specific gallery or subgallery. That's very useful since different bodies of work may ask for different approachings in the way they are shown.

    In that regard, flickr is like a 'raw' version, and I think that a lot more socially oriented, making it very easy to establish relationships with other photogs and keep trace of comments, themes, groups and tags.

    I don't think we'll ever see a mix of the two, so that's why I also got a pro account on flickr to try it out, even though my 'serious' portfolio activity will still be focused on pbase first.

    Thanks for asking and sorry for this long and boring answer :)


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