Single Coated

Devoted to my photography and my always constant interest for retro cameras/lenses/techniques

The Fortress

It's not indeed a fortress, but that's the impression I always get when I look back at this picture, a fortress out from a dream (or nightmare!) keeping inside all that stuff you can't even think about without a shivering going down your spine, and that in some way it's telling you that it's true, that your worst nightmares are there inside, and that no matter how much you run, because you'll end facing them sooner or later.

This is so far my first (and only!) use of Agfa Scala, and I must say that I don't know why I haven't used that film anymore. Probably the propietary developing process has something to do with that, together with the fact that it's quite expensive. That said, I also think much of the effect here comes from the massive use of filters, in this case, I stacked up together a deep red one and a circular polarizer in front of my (ex) Minolta mount Sigma 24/2.8.

Btw the place is in fact a monastery placed near the village of Sant Pere de Rodes, in Girona, quite close to the French border.

Categorized: _blackandwhite | _fromyourdreams

4 Responses to “The Fortress”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Nice picture.
    Too bad Scala has been discontinued. I never got to try it before processing became unavailable in Canada.

    There are a lot of options for B&W slides, though -- I made a list and posted it at  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Thanks Jordan ! I saw that list a while ago but I'm not sure if the effect I saw on my scala shots is something specific from it or if I could get the same from other B&W slide. It's quite strange but with that roll of Scala I have the impression that the images are not black and white, but silver and white instead.

    It could just be my imagination, but as much B&W as I've seen after that, I can't seem to be able to repeat the same effect :P


  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Beautifully gothic Oscar :)  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Thanks, and sorry for the delay in the answer Tony !! And yea, gothic in there ;)  

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